Lawyer for housing disputes in Belarus
Housing disputes are a common occurrence in the lives of many people. Only at first glance it may seem that such disputes are easy to resolve on your own. However, as practice shows, attempts to resolve housing issues without seeking legal assistance in many cases lead to aggravation of the situation, and, as a consequence, to additional losses of time, effort and money. Often, such disputes affect both family and civil legal relations; the legislation regulating these areas is extensive and requires in-depth knowledge and the ability to apply them to a specific situation, including taking into account emerging judicial practice.
The lawyer will provide legal advice on housing issues, analyze the documents available in the case, and assess the judicial prospects of the housing dispute.
A housing lawyer will provide legal assistance in the following categories of disputes:
- loss of the right to use residential premises;
- eliminating obstacles to the exercise of the right to use residential premises;
- moving in, eviction from residential premises;
- registration at the place of residence (place of stay), deregistration (so-called propiska);
- recognition of property rights, division of residential premises (apartments, houses);
- allocation of a share in residential premises in kind;
- recognition of transactions with apartments as invalid;
- disputes related to utility payments, flooding of residential premises and compensation for damage.
The consideration of these disputes can become protracted if you do not promptly contact housing dispute lawyers who have extensive experience in this category of cases.
Eviction through court
In court, a person can be evicted from a residential premises if there are no legal grounds for his residence in a particular apartment. In addition, a person may be recognized as having lost the right to use residential premises without being provided with other residential premises if he does not live in the residential premises, but retains a “registration” in it.
Recognition of ownership of an apartment
In Belarus, there are various grounds for acquiring ownership of real estate: as a result of a transaction, inheritance, through privatization, shared construction. At the same time, a lawyer in housing disputes is often contacted in cases where privatization was carried out with errors, the legal heir was unreasonably excluded from the inheritance, etc.
Recognition of ownership of a share in a residential building
In law enforcement practice, there are common cases when one of the spouses, while married, significantly improves the property of the second spouse, which belonged to him before marriage. For example, one of the spouses inherited a private house, and during the marriage the house was reconstructed, an additional floor was added, and other improvements were made to the property. In the event of a divorce, as a general rule, the house will not be divided between the spouses, since it is not common joint property.
A housing lawyer will ensure through the court that the improvements made are recognized as common joint property, which will make it possible to raise the question of its division during a divorce.
Contact us for further details.